In April 2015, Hyphen Singapore was launched. Single young adults between the age of 18-30 were called to be part of the Hyphen Generation, a movement that has taken North America by storm.

Ignited in the heart of Abigail Lee, a series of divine events saw her dream and burden become a reality. The Hyphen Generation, aged 18-30 are single young adults in the prime of their life. They are a force to be reckoned with.

While the world battles aggressively for the potential of these lives, the Hyphen generation awakes to the God-given destiny and call of the last days.

They belong to a community of like- minded people who inspire, love and build up their fellow brethren. They exist to connect to their world and in the process create positive change. They believe that this generation is hungry for an encounter and an experience with God that will change their life and world! They are those with one hand clutching tightly to Truth and the other, fervently grasping for the lost.


With a burning passion for this generation, Hyphen Singapore began its quest to develop and disciple the young adults of today.

Beginning with small groups, leaders were developed to care for their group members. The impact was undeniable. In one short year, Hyphen Singapore saw health return to the body.

Members who were on the fringes began to come more regularly as people found a safe place where they were nurtured and cared for.

We saw 28 new faces in under 10 months and as a whole, the total number of Hyphens grew by 20%. Beginning with seven small groups and 21 leaders, we have expanded to nine new groups with 29 leaders out of which six leaders have moved on to establish new groups for Young Married Couples.


Jasmine Shalini, 25, a member of Hyphen, shared what the Hyphen experience did for her, “Before Hyphen came in 2015, I prayed a prayer specifically to reignite a fire for God and to make more friends as I didn’t have many church friends to support and encourage me. God answered my prayer with Hyphen! I came out of my comfort zone, made new friends and my walk with God was realigned. I am grateful to my Hyphen leaders for doing life with me, allowing me to be real with them, correcting me and shaping my character to be right with God.”

New convert Wong Jian Zhi, 21, came to Tabernacle of Joy (TJ) when Hyphen first started. He was impacted by the care group that reached out to him, “When I first came to TJ, they gave me the feeling of a family. I was invited to join the Hyphens for activities after service. The fellowship helped me to open up to them and fit in.”

This article was first published in the no.6 (2016) issue of the SENT magazine, Tabernacle of Joy’s in-house yearly missions report.